Episode #37

Dolibarr for This, Dolibarr for That

This week we discuss DDOS attacks via Gitlab Servers, more cloud services being down, dolibarr and why every programmer aspires to be Linus Torvalds.


When your team faces any hurdle or stuck moment, you’ll need to decide how to jump in. You might choose to adopt an empowering approach, viewing your role more as a facilitator and support structure as the team plots the path forward. But there will still likely be moments where you need to be directive, making decisions and tackling aspects of the work yourself. Don’t worry: we can still approach this in a way that drives buy-in and helps your teammates feel heard, and know they have autonomy.

When we as managers are being directive on a project, we’re deciding on the who, what, when, and how, and then we’re communicating that information to the rest of the team.

  • Describe your role in outcomes, rather than describing how you’ll do your work. This way, the “how” can iterate over time, but your role’s success criteria remains the same.

There will be times when folks’ reactions will get in the way of that forward progress, though. When people are frustrated with being told what to do, they might slow down/fight/check out (which are classic signs of amygdala hijacking; no judgment here!).

Naturally, when you choose the directive route to assigning roles and responsibilities, there will be folks who aren’t thrilled about your decisions. That’s okay. It can be hard to remember, but you’re not optimizing for avoiding grumpiness here. Try spending five minutes to understand where they are coming from:

  • What feels most important to you about this?
  • What is your gut telling you?
  • What one thing do you wish you could change about this?

By using a coaching approach here, you’re actually operating from the empowerment end of the spectrum. In a lot of directive settings, you will still have an opportunity to leverage empowering skills to help others feel seen and heard, and to help them grow. That’s why it’s important to continue adapting your approach as the context evolves!

But the bigger win? Asking these open questions and reflecting on what you heard them say will make your teammate feel heard and seen, which speeds up their ability to recover from their amygdala hijack.

News / Community Updates

OurCompose Developments

Integration Discussion - Dolibarr - Overview

Grab Bag - All Programmers Aspire to Put Themselves in the Position of Linus Torvalds

Established Presence in a Large Project

BDFL in a Project


In Conclusion

What are developers looking to do

In the future

The tools we use to get it done

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